STUDiLMU is Your Professional One-stop Solution Learning Partner

Enlightening the

Inquisitive minds

STUDiLMU is your professional one-stop solution learning partner. Our Learning Managers take care of all your learning needs so you can focus on your core business.
We started STUDiLMU with the aim of giving companies, organizations & professionals a one-stop learning solution for all the things that need care in their people. 
Classroom training programs, public workshops, communities, seminars, conferences, online courses, career advices, course video production, learning management system (LMS) software and virtual classroom are designed to solve your pain points. End-to-end learning solution customized to fit your company's needs. 
We’re a helping hand. A trusted advisor. Your Learning Manager.
We love what we do. And more than anything, we want to help you love your most valuable asset — your people.
One point-person for your learning needs. Tell us your problem and we'll get the job done right – guaranteed.
Our Mission: Enlightening INDONESIA and the WORLD.
Our Vision: To be the leading one-stop solution learning partner for companies, organizations & professionals.

Facets that works behind
STUDiLMU’s existence

STUDiLMU bestows an advanced level of skills and expert guidance to let corporates and individuals easily trace the path to success while extracting the most productive results for their respective organization.


Our Learning Managers assist and inspire individuals to gain an advanced level of skills in order to excel in their respective field. Our expert faculty is committed to train and provide an immersive learning environment to all our learners through interactive learning modules.


Our team has worked hard to make STUDiLMU reach up to this position where it is today! Their hard work, perseverance, and enthusiasm have largely contributed in the growth and development of this eminent learning partner.

OUR MISSION to be at the top

STUDiLMU's mission is to enlighten INDONESIA and the WORLD by providing high-quality learning experiences that are available, accessible, and affordable across generations for anyone, anywhere, anytime. STUDiLMU works towards the mission of being at the topmost position in this field in assisting companies, organizations & professionals to become experts and give the best desired output.

Misi STUDiLMU adalah mencerahkan INDONESIA dan DUNIA dengan menyediakan pengalaman belajar berkualitas tinggi, yang tersedia, mudah diakses, dan terjangkau bagi semua orang, dimanapun, kapan saja. Studilmu bekerja menuju misi tersebut, berada di posisi paling depan di bidang ini dalam membantu perusahaan, organisasi dan para profesional untuk menjadi ahli di bidangnya dan memberikan hasil terbaik.

Our Values:


B ecoming the mission champion

Percaya dan yakin untuk mewujudkan misi perusahaan. Memiliki kemauan, dedikasi, determinasi,ketekunan, dan mental juara. Never give up & can-do mentality.

G race

Pekerjaan adalah kepercayaan dan anugerah dari Tuhan, maka harus dihargai. Bermanfaat bagi orang-orang di sekitar, komunitas dan bangsa.

S peed of execution

Kecepatan sangat kritikal dalam bisnis. Fokus pada prioritas penting dalam melakukan eksekusi. Eksekusi setiap keputusan dengan cepat (Fast) dan tepat (Right).

I nnovation for Customers

Peduli pelanggan dengan senantiasa melakukan perbaikan dan inovasi yang berfokus pada pelanggan (Focus on customers). Berorientasi pada solusi. Tidak pernah berhenti belajar (Never stop learning). Berani mengambil calculated-risk.

F rugality

Bijaksana mengelola keuangan (Smart spending). Mengontrol efektivitas jumlah tim (Headcount) dan budget. Menerapkan filosofi less is more.

I ntegrity

Berintegritas tinggi dalam bertindak. Menjaga dengan baik hak cipta perusahaan, data security, dan hal-hal yang bersifat rahasia (Confidential). Menjadi teladan (Set the example).

R esults

Memberikan hasil terbaik untuk mencapai visi dan goals perusahaan, baik process-results maupun end-results. Secara konsisten menerapkan prinsip-prinsip PDCA yang baik dan efektif untuk mencapai hasil. Produktif, efisien, dan efektif dalam bekerja. Leadership is about delivering results.

S trive for excellence

Selalu berusaha melakukan yang terbaik dengan passion, optimisme, semangat dan energi tinggi,namun di sisi lain tetap rendah hati. Menerapkan disiplin dan standard tinggi, baik buat diri sendiri maupun tim. If best is possible, good is not enough.

T eamwork

Meletakkan kepentingan perusahaan di atas kepentingan kelompok dan individual. Aktif membangun kepercayaaan (Trust) dan kolaborasi. Terlibat dalam diskusi, berani mengemukakan pendapat berbeda, namun tetap saling menghormati dan menghargai. Ketika keputusan telah disepakati, semua berkomitmen dan akuntabel menjalankannya.

Need to train 10 or more people?

We offer cost-effective group membership for your organization, business, government organization or university.

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